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Creditspring Team | Sabrina

Meet Sabrina, our Chief Design Officer. Our very first employee, she's built Creditspring pixel by pixel. Here, she reveals all about her past and our future.
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Hi Sabrina, what do you do at Creditspring?

I was the first hire at Creditspring in 2016. Since then, I’ve had an amazing journey and experience. When I met co-founders Neil and Aravind here at Creditspring HQ, I Ioved the idea of building a disruptive credit product that could help millions of people here in the UK.

My role in Creditspring is to implement the design thinking at all levels, to improve the product, develop visions and help our members to achieve their goals.

I focus on data and human-centred design to help me understand where the problems are and how they can be fixed. As an example, most recently I led a project to help smooth out late customers’ user journeys. I believe this has been the most inclusive work I’ve done in my career, it all started with a question: why shouldn’t we give a customer who’s late the same attention we give other customers? By working collaboratively across various teams, we made it.

What did you do before joining Creditspring?

I spent 10 years in advertising, followed by 18 years in UX and product design, alongside six years spent as a professor at IED, the European Institute of Design. I came across Creditspring while I was working for Startup Bootcamp, helping more than 16 new startups with their projects. Having worked with a few startups even before that, I knew my experience could play an important role in building a new product and taking it from zero to +130k members.

What’s changed since you started working at Creditspring?

Right from the beginning we knew we would have a great impact. From the moment we started speaking to people we quickly realised we were building something that could help everyone with their financial needs. We interviewed hundreds of people of all ages, no matter their experience with credit. Everyone’s goals and fears were so similar. Credit is complicated and the risk of falling into the spiral of debt is very high. Unexpected expenses happen, and if money is short and you have no savings, there’s always going to be a need to rely on credit. So one wireframe at the time we started building, testing and developing our MVP of Creditspring subscription load.

We have been flowing, growing and adapting ever since. Pixel by pixel, we have built this product, and a great team, together.

What excites you about Creditspring?

The team. The product. The future. We want to help everyone and we deeply understand that sometimes things get in the way and life just happens. We’re passionate about wanting our members to feel comfortable speaking to us, by helping them if they feel ashamed or don’t feel comfortable, by taking their hand through a self-service journey and helping them to avoid staying in debt - one step at a time. It’s Creditspring’s mission and it has also become my mission to give people fair, safe and transparent products and help them to achieve financial stability. This doesn’t mean not being in debt or not borrowing anymore but having the tools to avoid spiralling into debt, having control of their finances, and being able to understand the risks when borrowing more.

I’m excited for 2022 - the whole team is growing, design included, and we have great plans for the future. I know our values will guide us along the right path to achieve them.

Favourite book:

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

Favourite podcast:

Design Better by InVision

Favourite app:


Favourite piece of advice:

Never stop learning, never settle in life and at work - this will always keep you motivated.

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