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How To Dispute Errors On Your Credit Report and Avoid Identity Theft

We’re discussing how to dispute and protect your identity from the risks of identity theft. In this article, find out how to make sure any inaccuracies in your report don't remain unchecked.
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Have you recently seen errors on your UK credit report? If so, it's important to take action and dispute the errors as soon as possible to restore your credit profile and prevent identity theft.

We’re discussing how to dispute and protect your identity from the risks of identity theft. In this article, find out how to make sure any inaccuracies in your report don't remain unchecked.

What is a credit report?

Your credit report is a record of your credit history. It includes information about your credit accounts, such as loans and credit cards, as well as information about your payment history. 

Your credit report also includes information about any bankruptcies or other derogatory items that may be appearing on your report.

If you find an error on your credit report, it's important to dispute it right away. The credit reporting agency should investigate the error and correct it if it's found to be inaccurate. 

You can dispute errors on your own by contacting the credit reporting agency directly.

Protecting your information

Protecting your identity is important, especially in today's world. There are a few simple steps you can take to help protect your identity and keep your personal information safe:

  • Shred any documents that contain sensitive information before disposing of them.

  • Never give out personal information over the phone or online unless you are sure you know who you are dealing with.

  • Keep a close eye on your credit report and dispute any errors that appear.  

  • Be sure to update your passwords regularly.

Common errors on credit reports in the UK

There are a few common errors that often show up on UK credit reports. One of the most common is an incorrect address. This can be caused by a move or simply a typo when the report was generated. 

Another common error is an incorrect balance for an account. This is usually due to the account being closed or transferred before the report was generated.

If you find any errors on your credit report, contact the lender to update it, and if not resolved contact the credit bureau that generated the report and request that they do an investigation. You will need to provide documentation supporting your claim of an error. The credit bureau will then investigate and correct any errors they find.

How to dispute errors on your credit report

By law, credit reporting agencies must investigate any disputes that are submitted within 30 days. Here's how to dispute errors on your credit report:

  1. Gather evidence of the error. This could include a copy of your credit report with the incorrect information highlighted, documentation from the creditor showing the correct information, or any other supporting evidence.

  2. Write a letter to the credit reporting agency explaining the error and enclose your evidence. Be sure to include your full name, address, and National Insurance number.

  3. Send your letter by tracked mail with the return receipt requested so you have proof that it was received.

  4. The credit reporting agency must investigate the dispute and resolve it within 30 days. If they find that the information is inaccurate, they must correct it and send you an updated copy of your credit report.

Identity theft protection tips

Identity theft is a serious problem in the UK, with more than 100,000 cases reported each year. Protecting your identity is important, but it can be difficult to know where to start. 

Here are some tips to help you protect your identity and avoid becoming a victim of identity theft:

Keep your personal information safe. Be careful about who you share your personal information with, and don't post it online or on social media. If you think someone has access to your personal information, change your passwords and contact your financial institution or credit card company immediately.

Check your credit report regularly. You can get a free copy of your credit report once a year from all of the credit reporting agencies in the UK. Check them for any errors or signs of fraud, and report any problems to the agency immediately.

Be cautious about giving out your personal information on the phone or online. Identity thieves may try to trick you into revealing personal information by posing as a legitimate organisation or person. Only give out your personal information if you're sure who you're dealing with, and never respond to unsolicited emails or text messages asking for personal information.

Monitor your bank and credit card statements carefully. Report any suspicious activity immediately as identity thieves can use your account details to make unauthorised withdrawals or purchases.

How to monitor your credit report regularly

It's important to regularly monitor your credit report for errors. You can order a free credit report copy from the three major credit reference agencies - Equifax, Transunion, and Experian - once a year. 

You can also get your credit score for free through many websites and financial apps. A good credit score is important because it shows lenders how likely you are to repay a loan.

If you find an error on your credit report, you can dispute it with the credit bureau by following the steps above. Include any supporting documentation, such as proof of payment, when you file your dispute. 

You can also monitor your bank account and credit card statements for suspicious activity, use strong passwords, and keep personal information safe (including National Insurance numbers and dates of birth).

Alternatives to disputing errors

If you find an error on your UK credit report, there are a few alternatives to disputing the error with the credit reporting agency. 

You can contact the company that reported the error to the credit agency and ask them to correct the information. You can also add a statement to your credit report explaining the error. 

Finally, you can file a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office if you feel that the credit reporting agency has not handled your dispute fairly.


Credit reports are an important part of managing your financial profile. It is very important to dispute any errors or inaccuracies in your report, as it can have a big impact on your ability to get credit. 

To protect yourself from identity theft and other risks associated with poor management of personal data, be sure to regularly check your credit report for any discrepancies and contact the relevant authorities should you find anything suspicious. 

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